I thought about writing a guide to explain how I migrated my blog from Blogger to Jekyll, however, it became too long, so instead here is a timeline and if you want to know more about a section, please comment at the bottom.

  1. Forked Jekyll-Now into my own GitHub Repo
  2. Renamed the repo to GitHubUsername.github.io, this is how GitHub pages works
  3. Cloned that repo to my local machine
  4. Decided I was going to use Atom as my Editor
  5. Changed basic settings in the _config.yml file, such as site name and social media links
  6. Pushed to GitHub and checked my site was working
  7. Made a plan about which pages I was going to migrate first
  8. Refreshed my Markdown knowledge
  9. Familiarised myself with Front Matter
  10. Started with my events page, and had to read about Liquid, Templates and Filters
  11. Got Jekyll up and running locally instead of pushing to GitHub each time I wanted to check something
  12. Even though it’s quite simple I also took a refresher on YAML
  13. Worked out how to embed things in pages such as YouTube and Gist posts.
  14. Exported all my posts from Blogger
  15. Used a really helpful tool from Jekyll to convert the Blogger export to individual markdown files for each post
  16. Explored the results from the above tool, to under the Front Matter automatically added
  17. Mirrored the format of blog URLs from Blogger so I have no Google/Bing dead links and negative points for broken links
  18. Started working on each post to convert the HTML to Markdown, a combination of manually checking and using this awesome converter
  19. Went through each post adding categories and tags to improve searching and to build the categories and tags pages
  20. Created the about me page
  21. Asked some friends what they thought of my new design, the awesome Ash Coleman got her designer friend to provide me awesome feedback!

    Blog feedback

  22. Action all the feedback I got, which was a deep dive into CSS. Magic stuff. I utilised W3CSchools a lot!
  23. Re-structured the details about each blog post and added the read time
  24. Added comments to my blog using Disqus, I actually copied this from Viv’s repo
  25. Got the awesome Thomas Harvey to create me a Friendly Tester logo in the same style as Friendly Testing
  26. Checked that my blog was providing all the SEO tags
  27. Changed my hosting DNS to point to GitHub pages
  28. Then realised GitHub Pages don’t offer HTTPS with custom domains, so discovered I could use Cloudflare for free!
  29. Shared it with the community!
  30. Wrote about the what I learnt and why I chose Jekyll

    I reckon that’s that. As mentioned at the start if you’re going through the same process and have some questions on specific sections, ask me in the comments.
